
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal

Often the first step in understanding what's on site. A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) involves a walkover to identify and map habitats and field signs of any species present.

The results of the PEA are presented in a report, clearly stating the findings and recommendations for any future surveys.

Certhia Ecology have undertaken numerous PEAs in a wide variety of habitats across the UK. We use mobile mapping software in order to produce a detailed and accurate map of the site.

Protected Species Surveys

Following the completion of a PEA, it may be necessary to undertake further surveys to confirm the presence/likely absence of protected species.

Certhia Ecology are experienced in the undertaking of a wide range of protected species surveys for; Bats, Dormouse, Otter, Badger and Reptile.

Certhia Ecology can provide on Site support as an Ecological Clerk of Works to ensure the successful the delivery of a project in line with an ecological management plan.

On site supervision is required for the; Implementation of bat licences, supervision of vegetation clearance, delivery of toolbox talks and operation under a precautionary method of works.

Ecological Supervision
Best Practice

Surveys and Reports are produced in accordance with industry best practice guidelines provided by organisations such as the; Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, Bat Conservation Trust, Peoples Trust for Endangered Species and the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust.
